CHART metalworks is the creation of a long time sailor, with a nautical Maine background. One day in 2006, surrounded by scrolls of nautical charts in her home, Charlotte Guptill was inspired to incorporate the medium into her designs. In 2008 CHART metalworks was formally launched. Soon after husband John joined to assist with the growing orders in their studio on Custom House Wharf, Portland, Maine. Now with the help of a talented pack of Maine based artisans and an expansive collection including maps and territories beyond the US, they handcraft custom nautical chart and map adornments allowing you to capture your most treasured spots across the globe. CHART metalworks is the original custom nautical chart and map jewelry.
Your harbor for beach inspired and unique jewelry, handpicked to embrace your memories of the island - a great selection for all budgets.
Shipping charges are non-refundable.
1501 N Long Beach Blvd, Surf City, NJ 08008